Our anemones

26 March 2021

What’s Going On On The Farm? March 2021

You may remember from our last update that we had some very early, slightly imperfect anemones just starting to bloom. Well they’ve really gone for it since then and they are truly beautiful. The ranunculus haven’t looked too happy in a couple of the beds, so after a social media...

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15 March 2021

Field Flowers

After a flurry of early bloomers on the farm, we’re about to have a whole load of homegrown flowers. Which is wonderful, but we’ve now come to realise that we won’t have enough of some varieties to make sure we can supplement our bouquets with them for a whole week’s...

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24 February 2021

How does your garden grow?

One of the most exciting things about growing your own flowers is that you’re in control of what you grow, so if there’s a flower you’ve seen somewhere that you love, but you can never find it on the Dutch auction, well, you can grow it! The whole point of...

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5 February 2021

Homegrown flowers and transparency

It’s no secret that the cut flower industry isn’t too kind on the environment. From Holland to Italy, to Israel to Kenya, flowers are grown and imported all over the world, just like a lot of our food. This is why we make such an effort to reduce our environmental...

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Sad snaps

28 January 2021

What’s Going On On The Farm? January 2021

This year started with some hard frosts. We’ve been told there were no hard frosts in Cornwall last year but we’ve had 3 already this winter. New year’s day was a very sorry sight in the polytunnels and we had some very sad snapdragons, which caused a bit of a...

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Snapdragons with the tops ‘pinched’.

27 November 2020

What’s Going On On The Farm? November 2020

And just like that, December is upon us. We’ve been super busy since our last update and we now have one completely full polytunnel! After a bit of a ropey start, we transplanted the snapdragons (that hadn’t been eaten) to the polytunnel and they are now looking very happy. We’ve...

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30 October 2020

How To Fail: The Petalon Edition

At Petalon, we’re big fans of Elizabeth Day’s podcast, How To Fail. In this social media-saturated world, it’s easy to think everyone else is ‘living their best life’ (don’t you just hate that phrase?) and we’re somehow falling behind. This podcast is a refreshing look at all the things the...

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13 October 2020

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

When talking about feedback, we all know which is the best type to receive, but when discussing the feedback we’re most likely to give, does ‘good’ still take first place? They say if you’ve had a great experience with a brand, you’ll tell two people, versus the five people you’ll...

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30 September 2020

What’s Going On On The Farm? September 2020

We. Have. Flowers! Our test seedlings from our first farm update have finally bloomed in to our Misty Bronze chrysanthemums. They’re a bit rough around the edges, some are a little small, some a little eaten by slugs, but they are FLOWERS. And we’re super excited. We’ll be using these...

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15 September 2020

Beauty vs Vase Life

From day one at Petalon, our mission has always been to provide our customers with unusual, interesting and beautiful flowers that are different from your bunch of lilies or a formally arranged bouquet of roses, with poker straight stems of foliage sticking up in unnaturally, evenly-spaced intervals. We wanted our...

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